Welcome to everyone!! In this post i would like to share the detailed explain about the What is the structure of an Html programs,
Below is the format or structure of an Html programs
Explanation about Structure of html programs
1) Each and every Html programs will be started in <html> and also ends with the </html>. Its one of the predefined tag in Html.
2) Next part is the Heading part. Its start from the <head> tag and ends with </head>. It will shows the header part of the Html program.
3) Another one part of the Html program is Title part. It will start with the <title> tag and also ends with the closing <title> tag. Main purpose of using title tag is used to shows the Title of your Html program.
4) The Main part of the html program is the body section, In this body section will be starts from opening <body> tag and also ends with the closing <body> tag. Body section content is only visible to the browser.
5) Atlast save the Html code in the form of .html or htm extension. .html and .html is also same not an different one.
Ex : index.html or index.htm
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